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What is your ITSM data telling you?

strong roots run deep

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What is your ITSM data telling you?


ITSM data is a source of tremendous insight that leads to business impact. Want to drive significant real service and availability improvement for your business? Does your organization need:

  • Stronger alignment between IT and business processes?
  • Improved service delivery and customer satisfaction?
  • Cost reductions through improved utilization of resources?
  • Greater visibility of IT costs and assets?
  • Better management of business risk and service disruption or failure?
  • More stable service environment to support constant business change?


Service Management is at the core. The goal of service management is to both resolve identified issues quickly, to reduce business impact, and to prevent issues from occurring in the first place by managing operational risk through configuration, change, problem and release management.

Silver Tree IT Optimization Review- Your existing service management tools record data. An IT Optimization review analyzes this data in a way that does not disrupt your existing operations through seemingly endless consultant interviews.

Silver Tree meets with you only after we thoroughly understand your data and can accurately define the gap between your existing level of performance and best industry practices for your business. We then develop a roadmap for your company to achieve outcomes that will truly delight the business you support. 

OUTCOME: Silver Tree’s clients typically experience a 50% or greater reduction in service incidents, once our recommendations are implemented.


Want to learn more? View our various assessments and case studies. We welcome the opportunity to explore how we can help you.