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Improved CSAT & $800K in Resolution Savings

strong roots run deep

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Improved CSAT & $800K in Resolution Savings

Silver Tree’s ecosystem partner for contact center and business process optimization, Insite Managed Solutions ®  improved Customer Satisfaction and delivered resolution savings of $800,000, a 110% increase in revenue for its prominent American grill manufacturer.

Their client built an online customer self-help platform to reduce contact center volume as market share expanded, but CSAT and issue resolution levels were not optimal.

During Insite’s engagement, online capabilities and data collection strengthened, virtual agents were installed to help with chat, and SMS was leveraged to update customers.

As a result, the contact center improved CSAT and resolutions while saving almost $800,000 using data-driven decisions and realizing a 110% increase in revenue after chat training from Insite.

Want to learn more? View our various assessments and case studies. We welcome the opportunity to explore how we can help you.